HOME BY TEN: The Dance Party for Women Who Run the World and Have $h!t to do in the AM

You love a wild night out, but let’s be real—closing down the club just isn’t an option when life demands you be a boss in the morning. That’s why HOME BY TEN is here: a high-energy, no boys allowed dance party designed for women, female-identifying, trans, and non-binary folks who want to let loose without wrecking tomorrow’s plans.

Come as you are, grab your girls, and get ready to shake it feral-style with an epic mix of throwback anthems and modern bangers.

What’s in store?

DJ Jen spinning an unstoppable mix from the 80s through today, with a heavy dose of 90s & 2000s nostalgia
Themed cocktails & mocktails—because options matter. Shout out to our sponsors Tito's Vodka & Sofia Blanc de Blancs
A glam-worthy photo booth and selfie areas to capture your best moments
VIP Tixs: Includes a complimentary drink, grazing board nibbles, and a Recovery Swag Bag packed with essentials for the morning after

More than a party, HOME BY TEN is a vibe—a space to feel free, celebrate yourself, and uplift one another. No creeps, no pressure, just pure dance floor euphoria. Our goal is to create an environment free of men where women, female identifying, trans & non-binary folks can feel safe, transcend self–love, and empower one another.


Tag your crew, spread the word, and let’s dance our way home—by ten.

21+ event